.[ ČeskéHry.cz ].
Looking for a C#/Unity programmer for a 3D mobile game

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Založen: 22. 08. 2013
Příspěvky: 34

PříspěvekZaslal: 2. prosinec 2021, 09:51:10    Předmět: Looking for a C#/Unity programmer for a 3D mobile game Odpovědět s citátem

we are looking for a programmer to help us out with an original 3D mobile game. The game itself is a fresh take on a platformer / endless runner with a strong emphasis on the main character and the stylized world around him. 

The design document went through many iterations, supported by in-engine prototyping and play-testing. Therefore we have a clear vision of how to move forward to finish the game. We just need your help Smile
We have a basic working prototype with one of the core mechanics and a lot of other support media, documents, and concepts to provide.
The team consists of a game designer/PM, concept artist, 3D artist - all enthusiasts for games and game development. There's currently no funding available, any potential revenue will be split among team members based on contribution.
If you're a C# developer passionate about games, don't hesitate to contact us. Experience with Unity and/or other game engines is definitely a big plus, but if you're talented and motivated enough, you'll pick it up in the course of development.

P.S. If you're interested, please let me know and I will send you more material to be studied /GDD demonstrations, visual material, etc./
We can arrange Skype.
mail: kristof.kuris@gmail.com
discor: Krystoferson#0153
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